Women and sex: what it feels like for a woman

One of the most important features of sexual maturation is the feeling of the sexual desire (libido sexualis). In the sense that women are gradually developing. The libido, a distinction must be made between the two components, with the mutual desire to focus and the desire to have sex. The women are especially well developed on the first one.

One characteristic is that it can develop fully on its own, without having to go to the other one. This is the emotional attitude towards the person of the other sex, the doctor in a very long time identified it as "the greatest love". Because of this sentiment, man is in close proximity to and dear ones. On the contrary, men have a special importance in the sexual intercourse, which the doctors defined as a component of sensual love. This component includes the desire to gain the specific feeling of pleasure arising in the process of union with god.

So, if the sexual desire of men, first of all is the sense of the hand, and it was only much later (in the 21 to 25 years of age), combined with a sense of love for this man, so young girls will have a composition of, for convergence, it is clear that no sexual desire. That is, the desire for them will only appear after a few months, the sexual life of husband and wife, and a lot of times, it was only after the first birth.

Then, the structure of the sexual desire of a woman, the leader of the missing link in all of the stages of the life course-is the love of the most trusted. The Sensual component, as a rule, to the young man for quite some time, even after the start of sexual intercourse, and then it gradually developed.

The physiology of sexual intercourse in women

orgasm in women

In order to better understand the mechanics of the sexual relationship between the female body, we offer you to familiarize yourself with the anatomy of the female genitals.

Sexual intercourse (coitus) occurs generally under the impact of the sexual arousal (voluptas), the highest point of which is an orgasm (orgasmus) after the period of "pacification" (defluvium), which does not occur after the end of sexual intercourse. In the absence of sexual arousal in women, is called frigidity. During sexual intercourse the man is fully erect, spreads the vaginal wall, and with the full input of fill in for him.

Introduction of the upright member is facilitated by the ability of the vagina, significantly to the iphone. Due to the occurrence of sexual arousal, even before the introduction of the member into the vagina, and the man of the Cooper poured out of goma, in secret, that the water on the head and making it slippery. The substance, which is generated by special glands, it makes your head oily, it also makes it easier to get started in your vagina.

In the large and small lips, referred to a special tissue, which is surrounded by connective tissue. When the sexual excitement, she pours out the blood, then the output stops, as the flow continues. As a result, swelling of the clitoris, the major and minor lips, and with the stripes of the road. As a result of such transformations, the access to the vagina, it is free. Simultaneously, women breast, small breast, and the arches of it were in the neck of the uterus stand out, in a clear and transparent mucus.

When the sexual act is not only marked when you do this, no resistance, but, on the contrary, it is a lot easier, and they're trying to hide it, become pain-free.

The women are also involved in the process: the skin and the mucous membrane of the penis, it enters into friction, with the folds transverse to the vagina. Simultaneously, there occur rhythmic movements for lowering of the vaginal walls as a result of the activity of your sphincter. These reductions are a particularly visible and shortly before the moment of the termination of swelling of the organs in the body.

As it happens, the orgasm in the female?

When the process for both participants in sexual intercourse, a feeling of voluptuousness, as a result of the excitation of the nerve of a bull, located at the head of the penis, and the woman at the head of the clitoris is to enter into the vagina, the vulva, and the vagina. In the reaction, it is believed these nerve endings are transmitted in the spinal cord and the brain. This irritation to build up and expand, have not yet reached such a level of excitement, in which there is a whole new set of reflexes. The last element the most recent is a waste of sperm in the male (precocious), and the secretions of the glands of the cervix of the uterus, and the Bartolini glands a woman. The ejaculation is accompanied by a voluptuous sensation to the orgasm. The source of the orgasm is not fully elucidated.

Women at the onset of an orgasm, you need to have sufficient irritation of erogenous zones, but also mentally and erotic desire, sex, sex. To the contrary, for men, for women, the build up to the orgasm is a lot slower, and the time of attenuation of the longer. Period, and the same "vertex" of the orgasm is still long for the both of them.

The intensity of the orgasm is quite different, and it depends on the temperament and constitution of man. You and your partner may not come as a result of a decrease in the excitability of the respective departments, with projections of visual corruption on the site, or the parking brake of the influence of the cerebral cortex, caused by psychogenic factors (indifference, dislike, and t.-d.).

It is worth mentioning, and is so unusual and very, very strong feeling for the state of ohio as a of skvirt, or ink jet orgasm. Its essence lies in the fact that the woman is over water to a small fountain of water vypleskatXia of the vagina during the orgasm in the courts. This is a liquid that is formed in special glands, you do not need to be mixed with the urine. To reach a strong orgasm in a woman can be, if the man is going to have to stimulate the front wall of the vagina, or the point G.

What is the duration of the sexual act and the woman?

For the duration of sexual intercourse ranges from 2 to 6 minutes. However, this is a great value and has the character of a person. For the duration of the sexual act, they have an influence on the interval between sexual intercourse. Long on sexual content, and strong sexual arousal and greatly reduces the duration of sexual intercourse.

For this reason, during sex, that women are not excitement?


One of the most serious mental injury to the woman, it may be the frustration of a loved one. When you get married with a person who has made it bright, and the high feelings, it was suddenly a look of cynicism from the man in the sex life, in which she played the role of a mere instrument of pleasure.

It is for this reason that, in particular, is of great importance to the attitude of the man toward the woman during the sexual intercourse. The good and the sensibilities found in her husband, during the first sexual intercourse, creates a woman a negative reflection of a sex act. And if those relationships are making a positive change, for this reflex becomes pathologic, causing you to in the future, the coldness with sex. The more careful you must be with the attitude of a young man who has not had sexual intercourse.

If she is still a virgin, then he experiences the fear of the first sexual intercourse. Therefore, the person, no matter what it was seeking from the woman's first sexual encounter, of course, in the "first night", and in the silence, to wait for a couple of days, so that the process of communication, the daily woman, totally went on the website.

In this respect, with the girls, who are married, the doctor should conduct a conversation, explain to them that the loss of virginity, it is not a disaster, as many people might think it is. Your cock's just too much, it is rarely solid. Basically, she's got a hole in it. The form of the hymen is that of the sexual relations, violate the integrity of, the first sexual act she's ondRivetXia; if it is marked, the weak sense of comfort. The bleeding which occurs in these cases, it is not significant.

Injuries from sex

Infection and injury to the sexual intercourse, can occur in both men and women. At the time, the women during the sexual intercourse, can be a significant damage of the genital tract. The rupture of the hymen depends on the degree of mechanical impact. The result of this damage, they come in a variety of: onddiscontinuities of the hymen, tearing it, even posting part of your hymen, especially the rectal department.

Those injured as a result of the topography and extension, when the introduction of the glans of the penis into the hole in the hymen. At the edge of the hymen, if indаinлandinаюtXia inside and pererastagenia is broken.

Breaks, when to sexual intercourse, can occur in different places, but all too often they end up at # 6 (to be precise, to mark the location of the breaks accepted the conditional could do it with the face of a clock), or on the side. When it breaks the hymen at the 6 on the dial of the watch, for the time, when about performed, the sexual, in addition to the hymen, it breaks up the back wall of the vagina, especially of the mucous membrane. When expressed, the degree to which infantilinostand sex with in the scope of the damages you can get in a complete break of the thigh, and also in the vaginal walls, and ceilings.

In infantandльных women, where it is the result of notdоразinandtandя genital area, but in the elderly, and the elderly, is the result of atrophy and weakness in the body's tissues.

You should call it a complication, such as savedtandческое to reduce a woman's vagina, causing such a strong crush on a member of the party from the front, especially the head is significantly otekaet, and a non-member, it is possible to infer from the vagina. In such cases, a woman has to do, in the anaesthetic, or to eliminate the violation, with a hot shower.

There are times when the sexual relationship and sexual difficulties in the communication with the dry weight of the mucous membrane of the vagina, or, in the case of a violation of the secretion of glands of Cooper, or in special glands. In these cases, the drying of the mucosa prior to sexual intercourse, it is recommended to moisturize through the lubrication, emulsion, oily, ointment, or saliva.

It's rare, but it is a complication for a sexual relationship, it's like a death. The death in connection with a sexual relationship comes up during, or soon after it, more often in men than in women, and the elderly, in patients with multiple sclerosis of the brain, and the arteries of the heart, especially when it is preceded by an excess and / or abuse of alcohol. Death can be the result of a stroke, heart attack, pulmonary embolism, congestive heart failure, and tuberculosis - with a massive internal bleeding in the lungs.

the act of sex

In some cases, the gynaecologist and the courts and the doctors have to deal with the grievances of the men, especially, this happens in families, the preaching of islam. In recent years, after the first night of their wedding-accused of their wives ' deception in connection with a low or complete lack of blood. In his opinion, this fact is an evidence of long-standing in the breach of the hymen. However, the examination of these cases nearly always show that the men have been a case of mistaken identity, due to the presence of their wives in these ways, the hymen, which, by its anatomical characteristics to allow for sex without a violation of that country. If your cock is too small, then the selection of the blood from the surface to the center is negligible or not.

The obstacles to gender, to sexual intercourse, a woman can have: vaginismus, infantandлandзм who expressed atrophic processes in them, and anomalies in the development of internal or external genitalia (hymen, vagina), inflammation, tumors, and pa.